When we were growing up... we were friends... but what grew from that was a love that would never end... I fell in love with just one look... I knew I had to make you mine before I run out of time... but the thought of finally making you mine... scared me... the thought of holding you close had me scared of what could be... but I see now the mistake I have made... where instead of walking away, I should have stayed... but how could I stay when all you ever did was play... you know I never thought it was possible to love someone as much as I do you... but what I don’t get is... I don’t like you... you have broken my heart in more ways than one... because of that.. I wish I could say I'm done... the sad truth is... as much as I don’t like you... it could never amount to the love I have for you... I miss you babygirl.... and I wish there was something I can do... these feelings aren’t something I can just tell to “shew”...if there is something I can do... please let me know... I will do whatever it takes for you to give us a go...I want you to be mine from now until my dying day baby... I just want to call you my lady... well I said what I had to say... and I now will just go away…
Rudy Puentes
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