I can't hear it thru my chest But l see it thru the death of sun & birth of dreams Because it causes the moon 2 breath heavily And you can't scream above silence My heart always brighten the red Although this sound strengthen my feelings No dream will be nightmare And darkness becomes more lighter Watching ocean in my hands won't scare me Feeling smoke in my hair won't hurt The flowing of blood in my veins won't break But the only charm will be sky Listening to the beat of my heart won't make me lonely Its shape become vivid in my imagination My wish will be to sleep in clouds But reality will be facing my sight No hate will be in me either in my mind or my thoughts Everything will be positive The smell of rain will be visiting my brain And l won't mind my past or even my ancestors I can't resist listening to it I'm wondering when it will stop Am l the only one hearing it? or we are both enjoying But luckily in heaven it will be waiting for innocents one... George Zhoya
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